Wszystkie kategorie
Kolory zegarków
Wszystkie rodzaje pasków
Apple watch
Wszystkie marki zegarków
Wszystkie kategorie
Kolory zegarków
Apple watch
Przedziały cenowe
Rodzaje zegarków
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Najczęściej sprzedawane baterie do zegarków
Najczęściej sprzedawane narzędzia do zegarków
Najlepiej sprzedające się pudełka na zegarki
Druga szansa
Luminox (kombinacja łacińskich słów Lumi = światło i Nox = noc) produkuje od utworzenia w 1989 zegarki, które działają w każdych warunkach. Marka stała się znana dzięki ich serii Luminox Navy Seal. Technologia Luminox (LLT) umożliwia odczytanie czasu niezależnie od poziomu oświetlenia, nawet w kompletnej ciemności! Czyni to zegarki Luminox niezbędnym narzędziem dla najlepiej na świecie wyszkolonych elitarnych żołnierzy oraz podobnych entuzjastów aktywności outdoorowych.
Popularne wyszukiwane hasła: Land, Sea, Air en Bear Grylls.
For the past twenty-five years Luminox watches have become part of the personal standard equipment or 'Essential Gear' for many elite, military and law enforcement units. The unique Luminox lighting system guarantees continuous visibility for up to 25 years without pressing a button or needing to expose the watch to a light source.
In 1989, Barry Cohen, a watch industry veteran, partnered with Richard Timbo to create a unique brand of watches with a self-powered lighting system. Initially, the goal was to create high-performance sports watches with excellent visibility and readability in low- or no-light situations.
It wasn't until 1993 that the Navy Seals approached the brand to develop a watch especially for them.
Following the success of the Navy SEALs watches, Luminox was approached in 1999 by the US Air Force F-117 Nighthawk jet fighter pilots for whom Luminox developed a special watch in collaboration with aviation manufacturers Lockheed Martin.
The range of durable and 'always visible' Luminox watches continued to grow and peaked in 2013, when Luminox developed a line of watches for use in space with input from XCOR Space Expeditions test pilots and astronauts.
The Luminox watch collection is divided into three series: land, sea & air.
The analog watches from the Land collection can be used as a simple and efficient navigation tool on the ground, making them the ideal watch for military personnel. The Field Series is a series of day-date, chronograph, alarm and automatic watches with a vintage style and rugged appeal backed by modern functionality.
In 2009, the Navy SEALs approached Luminox, and the watch developed specifically for this special ops unit was the only model to pass all of their rigorous testing. The resulting collaboration resulted in A.N.U. (Authorized for Navy Use) watches for recent graduates of their training.
Luminox AIR series watches pay tribute to the history of strategic aviation with aircraft-inspired details. The collection includes Air models such as the F-117 Nighthawk and the vintage-inspired P-38 Lightning developed under official and exclusive worldwide license with Lockheed Martin.
In addition to working with military and law enforcement agencies and ICE-SAR (Icelandic Association for Search and Rescue), Luminox has worked closely with experts such as counter-terrorism specialist and underwater explorer Scott Cassell, Indy 500 champion Tony Kanaan and survival specialist and TV personality Bear Grylls. These collaborations often result in special or limited edition gift sets in a special airtight and watertight Luminox box with many extra goodies. wykorzystuje różne rodzaje plików cookie. W przypadku niektórych typów potrzebujemy Twojej zgody.
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