Wszystkie kategorie
Kolory zegarków
Wszystkie rodzaje pasków
Apple watch
Wszystkie marki zegarków
Wszystkie kategorie
Kolory zegarków
Apple watch
Przedziały cenowe
Rodzaje zegarków
Druga szansa
Najczęściej sprzedawane baterie do zegarków
Najczęściej sprzedawane narzędzia do zegarków
Najlepiej sprzedające się pudełka na zegarki
Druga szansa
The watchmakers in our repair workshop are happy to help. From minor repairs such as replacing a damaged crystal to the reconditioning of complete watches. Our watchmakers are certified and repair watches of all brands, including Hamilton, Longines, Rado and other brands from the Swatch Group. If you hand in your watch for repair, our shop assistant will discuss your requirements with you. Your data will be entered into our repair system, and you will be given a registration number. You will then be automatically informed via e-mail or SMS about the status of the repair and if your watch is ready to be picked up. To learn more about your repair status, please visit our follow this link to surf to the page you are looking for!
Most of the time a quartz watch stops running, an empty battery is what causes it. Please feel free to have the battery exchanged by a well-trusted jeweller or official dealer of the brand. If the watch still doesn’t work after the battery change, the watch has to be offered at an official dealer for warranty. Normally a battery change is not covered by warranty. In case if it runs out within 6 months after your purchase, please contact our customer service.
For all the brands of which we are licensed dealer, you will receive a worldwide warranty. This is the same warranty you would receive from any official dealer of that brand. We also provide assistance if you need to make a warranty claim. In all cases, the watch will be checked and repaired by a licensed watchmaker or by the manufacturer itself. From the 1st October 2016, Holland Watch Group offers a free one-year extended warranty on watches. This is a special and unique free service which extends the manufacturer’s warranty for one year. In case you want te learn more about your warranty, please visit our warranty page. wykorzystuje różne rodzaje plików cookie. W przypadku niektórych typów potrzebujemy Twojej zgody.
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